What’s next? January 2025 clinic update
2025 is my 34th year of clinical practice. A milestone I couldn’t have comprehended when I first begun this career. There have been many changes in the way naturopathy and herbal medicine is perceived in the intervening years but at it’s core my practice still about observation, empathy, medical detective work and finding simple, natural solutions to complex health issues.
After a holiday back home in New Zealand, I’m refreshed and returned to the clinic. To find out what’s next for me, keep reading to the end of this update!

Wellington on Christmas day ©Gill Stannard
Highlights from the latest newsletter
Not signed up to the bimonthly newsletter? Here’ are some highlights.
Cognitive shuffling and the sleep toolkit
How’s your sleep?
People who regularly experience insomnia often have an assortment of rituals and remedies to help them. One technique that’s become popular recently is cognitive shuffling, a deceptively easy trick to distract an overactive mind.
Over the last few months I road tested cognitive shuffling and share how it works along with other tools for sleep better.
Summer eating
Holiday meals can sometimes be haphazard or a bit different to our usual diet. But a break from routine can be good for us. Easing back into post-vacation cooking, I’m craving fresh herbs, salads and all the seasonal fruit.
Here are a few summer favourites from the recipe archive to get you started. (If you’re in a cooler climate there are lots of soups and warming foods archived there as well).
- Chia pudding for breakfast or dessert
- Brunch tacos
- Okonomiyaki waffles or pancake
- Bean salad with parsley ‘pesto’
- Gado gado with no-cook nut sauce
- How to make amazing salads
If you’ve lost your cooking mojo, try these suggestions to kickstart it.
Clinic and life update
I am a few weeks away from hitting 11 years since completing treatment for cancer. What a ride it has been! My brush with ovarian cancer has taken me to unexpected places, not the least working with amazing researchers across a number of institutions, trying to improve outcomes for people with this hard to treat condition.
Since 2020 I’ve worked part time at the University of Newcastle as a consumer team leader and chief investigator on a MRFF grant exploring drug repurposing for ovarian cancer. It may seen a strange role for a naturopath, but it is an incredible honour as a survivor to use my experience in such a meaningful way. The first clinical trial as a result of this project is commencing soon.
Surviving cancer, and being part of a community where everyone is not as lucky, is a constant reminder that life is precious. The things that are most important to me are quality time with loved ones and friends, being of service in some way and travel.
I am committed to continuing clinical practice in 2025 but will review this decision later in the year, so I encourage you to not delay if you’d like to work together to improve your health.

Ovarian cancer researchers and consumers at the Daffodil Centre