Spring equinox: September 2020 update
The spring equinox snuck by on 19th September this year.
“Traditionally, the equinox was celebrated as a time to cleanse out stagnant energy within the self and homes.”
I’m sure the 120+ km gales on the day helped move the stagnant energy!
Temporarily being back ‘home’ in Wellington, I’m more acutely aware of the seasons than ever. Hail and wind alternate with clear sky days. Those gales certainly blow away the cobwebs.
Hay fever
Meanwhile spring in Melbourne and Sydney means hay fever, as the flurry of recent consults remind me. If you’ve never had hay fever before (you can acquire it with age or moving house), check out the difference between hay fever and cold or flu symptoms.
Remember relief for seasonal rhinitis with the help of professionally prescribed herbs and supplements is only a Zoom call away.
Tip: wearing a mask while you’re outside can help reduce your pollen exposure! A small upside of Covid-times is not only less flu and colds thanks to social distancing and better hygiene but less hay fever for some.
I’m enjoying homegrown produce friends have shared with me and am eagerly awaiting the beginning of asparagus season. What are your favourite early spring fruits and vegetables? I’ve shared my favourites and how I cook them.
This week most of New Zealand went down to Level 1, thanks to the swift action locking down the Auckland cluster.
A step down in alert levels while welcome, still feels odd. Having not socialised much over the past 7 months and habitually avoiding crowds, I’m finding large groups of people overwhelming.
As Melbourne inches towards the first step towards reopening, remember to be gentle with yourself and others. Over these months, there may have been a shift in how you relate to your environment. Be curious about your reactions. As much as we crave ‘normality’, the first step to a new normal might take a while to get used to.
Personal update
I’m still being asked about my experience of being in hotel isolation, so I made a YouTube series about it if you’re interested. (There are also health and lifestyle videos on my channel, if you enjoy them please like and subscribe, if you want to encourage me to make more!)
If nothing else, 2020 continues to remind me to be flexible.
Trying to be ‘in control’ is a lifelong habit that has never served me well. This year has given me the opportunity to realise just how much of an illusion control is. All the things I was looking forward to have not happened. Some things I feared, have. But as the wise ones have long said ‘we can’t control what happens, only how we react’.
It’s business as usual while I’m in New Zealand. Naturopathic and mentoring bookings and consults remain online via Zoom. There’s a slight change in my availability, so if you can’t find a slot that works for you please drop me a line with some options.
Kia kaha/stay strong,