September update
This month I’m wholeheartedly welcoming spring!
Some winters echo Persephone’s journey to the underworld. Although my winter was peppered with some sunny respite, it was also a tough one as each month bought the death of someone I know.
As spring is the harbinger of new beginnings and growth, it couldn’t come at a better time. While still honouring those who have passed, the excitement of fresh projects and possibilities is like a healing balm.
The downside of spring for many of us is hay fever. This seasonal malady is often mistaken for a virus. Even if you’ve never had allergies before, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever develop them. Do you know the difference between a cold and hay fever? Understanding the difference can speed your recovery.
As I predicted last month, this time of year tends to become increasingly hectic for many of us. If you missed my tips on ways to prepare for the busy season, it’s a good time to put some lifesaving habits into action!
For those in Melbourne in need of a health tune up, I’ll be consulting in the city on 17 and 18 October. There’s only one session left, so please email me right away if you’d like to book a session.
Have you tried his month’s recipe? Dahl is dish for all seasons and can be made with just a few pantry basics, which makes it a handy meal to keep on standby during the busy season.
I hope you have a fun and healthy spring. Don’t forget, we can work together from anywhere in the world by Skype or phone, to get you back to the top of your game.