March 2023 update
With so many activities on hold in recent years, 2023 feels like it’s catch-up time!
March is a busy month with two oncology conferences.
It was a privilege to attend the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia’s Survivorship conference in Adelaide, thanks to being awarded a CCReW Support Scholarship. This is a unique gathering bringing together clinicians, researchers and consumers/research advocates like myself. I loved every moment of it!
A highlight was meeting a diverse range of dedicated and amazing people. Props go to Dr Andrew Soma, the ONLY oncologist in the Solomon Islands. An incredibly modest man juggling the care of most adult cancers in the country, where some days treatment can’t go ahead for lack of basic necessities like saline let alone accessing therapeutic drugs. “Survivorship” is a luxury in a place where primary care is so under-resourced.
Initial and follow up naturopathic consultations
Over the next couple of months I have limited availability, and there’s currently a waiting list for a new naturopathic clients. If you’re interested in working with me for the first time, please email me.
With some gaps in consultation availability over coming months, if you’re planning a follow-up appointment book now so you don’t miss out. Please continue to do this via the booking website as usual.
Is the news making you sick?
During the recent horrific cyclone in New Zealand I got hooked on every available news source, leaving me wired and exhausted. While I was genuinely concerned about friends and family at home, I was moving into news addiction territory!
After a recent sabbatical, Walkley Award winning journalist Leigh Sales announced that the “traditional model of the news is contributing to the mental health crisis in this country”.
She’s not alone in coming to this conclusion. Are you, like me, addicted to information and caught in the news cycle – and want to change that?
How to recognise an addiction to the news AND break the habit
Zero waste vegetable stock
What’s bubbling away on my stove? A big batch of veggie stock.
Freezing vegetable scraps for homemade vegetable stock is my favourite food waste hack. Rich and flavoursome veggie stock is quick and easy to make.
How to make your own vegetable stock
On a personal note
In 2020 some long anticipated journeys were cancelled and I’ve been tentative about booking big trips ever since. But, all going well, I‘m taking a few weeks off in April/May to reconnect with my travel mojo.
What I’ve missed most is the stimulation that comes from new experiences. The sights, smells, tastes, colours and atmosphere of exploring a new environment and immersion in a different culture is a tonic for creativity.
However I’ve recently found stimulation closer to home, inspired by some of the richest artistic experiences of my life – particularly the Clarissa Campbell exhibition in Sydney and Eryn Jean Norvill’s award winning The Picture of Dorian Gray at the STC.
I’ve also found another way to mix things up by house-sitting (I love the flexibility that comes with working online), meeting new people and saying yes to different experiences.
Despite a love of travel, sometimes the cheapest, local experiences are the best. With Sydney abuzz hosting World Pride, I picnicked with friends in our local park to watch the Mardi Gras parade live stream. It was a joy to share the experience in our diverse community.
Whatever you do this month, try to discover something new, near or far.