Mentoring update: November 2020
In this update: How disaster-ready is your practice? New mentoring resources – 2020 business health check, a video on how to simplify treatment when you are overwhelmed and what you need to consider before signing a commercial lease.
Living my disaster plan
I was recently invited to talk about some salient business issues with the Westside Naturopathic Meetup Group. Before the clusterf*ck of 2020, did you have a disaster plan for your business? More importantly, are you ready for future challenges to your ability to work?
As I’m currently living my disaster preparedness plan in New Zealand, the irony of the topic wasn’t lost on me!
I couldn’t predict what would happen this year, or that in 2013 I’d be diagnosed with cancer. But, over the past 30 years in business I’ve planned for economic downturns, unexpected extended time off and location independence.
Are you ready for what comes next?
2020 has been a wake-up call for many healthcare practitioners and business owners. Going into the first lockdown was a mad scramble for many who could no longer physically access their clinics, didn’t have cloud-based patient files and other digital services.
But what next – how are you preparing for 2021? The vulnerability of the face-to-face business model will continue until the pandemic resolves, and as Jobkeeper and other government support is scaled back we need to prepare for the economic backlash.
Now is the time to review the adaptations you’ve needed to make to your practice this year. There’s a 2020 Business Health checklist in Learn, to further explore what worked or fell short this year, for both you and your clients.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Riding an economic downturn can be an opportunity to broaden your focus from one-on-one consultations to exploring ‘one to many’ options.
Keep in mind that “passive income” is a bit of a misnomer. Often evergreen products, like online books and programmes, need a lot of work to create, edit and promote them as well as behind the scenes expenses.
But practitioners who already have an extensive back catalogue of articles, recipes and research, can easily repurpose these resources for online sales.
Running group programs, with a focus on an issue that you’re passionate about, can also be a smart option. Groups potentially provide a better return on your time than a traditional one-on-one consultation and there’s the likelihood that some participants will seek personalised sessions after completing them.
Trimming the fat
If you’re not on top of your finances, a recession should be sufficient motivation to take the time to really understand where your business is making or loosing money.
For example:
• Have you signed up to any programs or services that automatically deduct money from your account each month, which you don’t actually use?
• If you’re returning to your clinic after working from home, is there room to renegotiate your rent or commission?
• When you’ve not had access to a clinic dispensary, what products have you missed and are a priority to stock?
• What products take up ordering time and shelf-space for just occasional use that could be outsources to an external prescribing service?
Wise investments
Forensically exploring the way you work can be overwhelming but it can be easier with expert guidance. I draw on three decades of clinical practice to help practitioners shape a business that is unique, profitable and enjoyable.
I’ve learned from 20 years of mentoring is that one approach never works for everyone. There’s an art to pinpointing questions to open the path to change or growth, and providing the best resources for that process.
Does your business need a health check? Booking an Exploratory Mentoring Session is a wise investment that could ultimately save you time and money.
“Over the years I have wasted a lot of money and time on so called marketing experts. 75 minutes spent with Gill has been invaluable. Her clarity, knowledge of the profession, financial and marketing skills are amazing.”
Mim Beim (Fellow NHAA)

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash
Mentoring resources
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New to Learn
Additional free resources for health practitioners.
2020 Business Health Check: It’s been a challenging year for many practitioners – take a moment to consider the current state of your business. What have you learned from the challenges to practicing through a pandemic? What do you need to prepare for the recession?
Feeling overwhelmed by complex cases? Take a simpler and layered approach to treatment. [Video] A case of Gerd simplified.
Explore learn: mentoring and business resources.
New resources for mentees
To support individual and group mentees, I continue to update hand-outs and other resources. One of the latest additions is a handy checklist, which is a must for practitioners considering signing a commercial lease.
I have developed processes that cover most situations that arise in practice, such as resources to help you explore your values and learn how to apply them to every business decision you make.
Book your individual mentoring session with Gill.