The Rona resources
There’s some exceptional generosity occurring in these extraordinary times.
These resources are free but if you can afford to donate, please give a little to keep these artists, freelancers and institutions fed.
To start the ball rolling, here are a few of the resources for body, mind and spirit that I’ve been enjoying during lockdown. Let me know your recent discoveries, by leaving a link below in comments.
Shake your booty
No Lights No Lycra has evolved from packed sweaty community centres, to your lounge room. These 30 minute live sets will have lift your spirits while moving the body. Check their Instagram page for links to sessions around the world. Times range from 5am Sydney time to groove with your London friends, to early evenings at least three nights of the week for Australian NLNL branches. More info about East Coast NLNL Zoom sessions.
Betty Grumble is the persona of an Australian Cabaret artist, is leading an 80s-style exercise class every day at 10 am on Instagram/Facebook live. It’s a lot of fun. Follow her to join the live session.
Learn mindfulness
Breathworks in the UK is trusted mindfulness and meditation resource at the best of times. Currently they’re offering a free online mindfulness course that you can do at your own pace.
The arts
The National Theatre is currently uploading a live recording of one of their productions each week, which are available for seven days only on their YouTube channel. So you don’t miss out, go to their YouTube channel and click the ‘reminder’ button for the following week’s video.
Brush up your Shakespeare! Presented by The Show Must Go Online – actors perform all the Bard’s plays from their home, each week via Zoom.
Also YouTube has recordings of talks and music from the Sydney Opera House archives. Their Ideas at the House podcast has even more talks to listen to.
Opera-lover or opera-curious start with the best! The NY Met is currently streaming their productions.
Wigmore Hall in the UK is sharing some beautiful classical concerts and masterclasses if you’d like to upskill. I’m really enjoying streaming the concerts while cooking dinner.
After your singing masterclass perhaps you’d like to join the weekly couch choir?
Bibliophiles – with upcoming festivals cancelled, catch up on podcasts from previous Australian writers festivals. Get inspired and discover a new-to-you Australian author.
Adelaide 2020 Writer’s Week
Fun stuff
From museums to rollercoaster rides, the Insider guide provide hours of fun.
Facebook Live
Weekdays for the duration, I’m going live on Facebook for a quick chat to share wellbeing tips and support. Join me at 1pm (Sydney time) or watch the replays on my YouTube channel.

Don’t forget to have some off-screen amusement as well. Turn off devices and read a book, draw, collage, paint, craft, write, make music, play vinyl, rearrange your art, bake, have a picnic in the yard/balcony and create some time to daydream.
While you’re here
There’s a wealth of articles, recipes, book reviews and more on this site.
Getting bored with the same old meals? The recipe archive has stacks of healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas.
Need some food for your mind? Take a look at the book suggestions and reviews.
Want to learn more about healthy living or a particular condition? There’s over a decade of archived articles. Just type a keyword in the search box near the top right of the page.
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