Turning 21 and March Newsletter
This month City Natural Therapies turned 21.
In this time I’ve had the privilege to work with thousands of clients and witness each unique life story. It’s amazing how even the smallest change in how we rest, eat or play can make a huge difference to our wellbeing.
Speaking of making a difference, this month’s article is inspired by my week at the School of Life where I got to meet a remarkable woman who has made a huge difference to the lives of so many young people in Melbourne. But you don’t need to take on a mammoth project to start the positive ripple effect. Read more about 10 ways you can make a difference.
This month’s recipe is a special treat from Sydney author and food lover, Charlotte Wood. If you’re not familiar with her books, her latest offering, Love and Hunger, is an utter gem.
Thanks for your lovely feedback about the newsletter. I’d also like to thank those who’ve forwarded it to friends (there’s a button at the top of the page) or shared an article. There’s been a phenomenal response to last month’s piece Say Goodbye to People Pleasing. One Facebook share in the UK alone sent the article viral in Europe and the US. If you like these offerings there are now over 500 articles on health and happiness in my archives.

Autumnal abundance in my garden
I hope you have an inspired month, embracing autumn (or spring) when it eventually arrives.
In good health,
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