January update
The long weekend is over, school is back and it’s undeniable that the new year has truly begun. But do we really need to hurtle into it at break neck speed?
Only two consultations left! Feel your best in 2018
Don’t miss Gill in Melbourne. Consultations in Melbourne CBD available Wednesday 28 May. Appointments available for new and returning naturopathic or mentoring clients.
Easing into the year
An intriguing hashtag trickled into my Instagram feed this month. #gentlejanuary urges us to ease into a low key start to the year, rather than catapult into action-packed resolutions. It was an easy concept to follow while soaking up the Sri Lankan sun, but I’ve been determined to embrace a thoughtful and gentle return to work.
In the spirit of #gentlejanuary, I’ve been loafing. “Having a good loaf”, is a phrase my elderly father increasingly uses. While this is totally appropriate for a nonagenarian whose energy is precious, at a less advanced age contemplating periods of idleness can feel indulgent. Now I’ve begun perfecting the art of loafing, I thoroughly recommend incorporating these pockets of downtime regularly throughout the year. Your body and mind will thank you for these moments of calm.
Back home after four weeks overseas, I’ve enjoyed cooking simple, mostly vegan food, revisiting old recipes and doing a spot of pickling using seasonal produce. A new cookbook (created by one of my favourite local cafes) has inspired my recent foray into brining vegetables. The pickled baby cucumbers are modestly salted, producing crunchy “long life” vegetables to add to snacks and salads. Most vegetables can be preserved this way and it’s handy to have a few jars of fermented foods in the fridge on these hot summer days.
I hope you can stay cool through the height of summer. If you’re struggling to feel well, or get your health business mojo happening, I’m here to help.
Summer posts and reminders
- Clever ways to keep cool through these hot days and nights.
- Need a tropical mid-year break? Our practitioner retreat in Bali almost booked out!
- Not feeling your best? Start the year with a full health appraisal and a wellbeing plan to make 2018 a healthy and sustainable year.