Your questions answered: Health Q&A Monday
Miss Health Trip? Got a burning health question that you’d like answered? In March I introduced Health Q&A Monday on my Facebook page as a way to giving more back to my readers.
Just leave a short question on anything pertaining to health, happiness, diet or lifestyle and each Monday I’ll answer a couple of the most interesting questions.
Of course, the answers are generalisations and can’t replace an individualised health assessment and consultation. The standard caveat of “see a qualified health practitioner/doctor” still applies.
Recent Q&As included “soy – is it good or bad?” and one from a new mum wondering if probiotics were causing her to have recurrent “flu”. The answers might surprise you.
If you’d like to submit a question to Health Q&A Monday, leave a message on my facebook page, @HerbalGill on twitter or in the comments below.