The art of breakfast
Have you signed up for the newsletter? If not here’s something that you missed from the November edition.
Need some inspiration for your first meal of the day? Here are few ideas to get you started.
On the run
Try to give yourself the time to sit and eat, the following ideas won’t take long to consume.
• Raw or stewed seasonal fruit
• Fresh vegetable juice – try carrot, celery, beetroot and ginger
• Raw seeds and nuts
Forget about the packet stuff, where the box may actually be better for you than the contents! The most common commercial cereals often contain added salt (‘sodium’) and sugar (‘glucose’, ‘sucrose’ etc). Soak half a cup of raw muesli overnight in 1 cup of soy milk, rice milk or apple juice.
Easy homemade muesli
Begin with plain raw rolled oats, add chopped nuts (eg. almonds, brazils, cashews and/or hazelnuts), seeds (pumpkin and sunflower) and some dried fruit (preferably sulphur-free). Other additions such as rice or oat bran and lecithin are best kept refrigerated to stop rancidity. If you want a lighter muesli, add rice puffs or flakes (they stay crunchy if you store them separately in an airtight container and add just before eating).
Even easier muesli
Soak half a cup of rolled oats overnight. In the morning add 1 tablespoon of LSA (ground linseed, sunflower and almond meal) and 1-2 pieces of fresh fruit.
Transition muesli
Use half a serve of soaked muesli and half of your favourite commercial cereal, mixed together. This is a great way to wean off packaged breakfast foods and up your nutrient intake.
This doesn’t need to be restricted to oats. Most grains make a tasty porridge if cooked sufficiently. Try buckwheat, cornmeal, quinoa or millet for a change. If you have a habit of burning your porridge, get a heat diffuser mat to place under the pot or try the thermos method.
Basic porridge
Soak about 1 cup of oats overnight in water (add dried fruit if desired). In the morning bring to a low simmer with more water or try soy milk or apple juice. Cook til soft.
Thermos porridge
Great for people in a hurry who don’t like washing up. In a wide neck thermos add about 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1 cups of boiling water. Leave overnight. Pour into bowl. Add soy milk and LSA.
Hot stuff
• Boiled eggs on rice crackers
• Scrambled eggs with a little finely chopped spring onion, or chives and sundried tomato
• Pancakes – try making with ground oats (oatmeal) instead of flour, serve with fresh fruit
International flavours
• Natural yoghurt (preferably sheep’s) with a little honey or fruit
• Miso soup