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Are you a small business owner?

There are over 1.2 million small businesses in Australia. The majority are run by people going it alone, with little or no business experience. It’s no wonder that so many struggle.

Gill has helped more than a hundred health professionals grow/reimagine their business.

Having run a successful business for over 30 years, Gill knows the pressures that come with being a solopreneur. Beyond health practitioners, she has worked with many small business owners to reinvigorate their business and create better balance across work and life.


An exploratory business coaching session

This coaching session is designed for solo or small business owners wanting to reset their boundaries and regain work/life balance, as well learn new microbusiness skills. This exploratory mentoring package includes:

  • A pre-session questionnaire to get a comprehensive snapshot of your current business, needs and goals.
  • A 60- 75 minute exploratory session via Zoom, tailored to your individual needs, to help you clarify your goals and business potential.
  • A written assessment of your current business and initial steps to improve your business and live a more balanced life.
    Cost: $250 + GST (if you are consulting Gill for outside Australia the goods and services tax does not apply, so contact me for a GST-exemption code before booking)


You can have a business and a life. For your own health, and your business’s, invest in an exploratory holistic business coaching session.


Business consultancy

Are you exploring a new health venture?

Over the years Gill has consulted by entrepreneurs, tapping into her extensive experience of the health and wellness industry.

The exploratory business coaching session can also be used to explore a business idea.


Business coaching exploratory session

Book your session online now. Choose ‘mentoring’/exploratory session and download and complete this
business coaching exploratory pre-session questionnaire.




If you’re an allied health professional – explore mentoring and supervision.

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