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Gill Stannard is a respected naturopath, broadcaster and speaker. Her extensive media experience extends to over 500 appearances on radio (including the ABC, 3RRR, as well as stations in the USA and New Zealand), television (Good Morning Australia, Landline) and film (documentary Invincible Summer).

Gill was a senior lecturer in herbal medicine at the Southern School of Natural Therapies (Melbourne) for 7 years and has guest lectured at Southern Cross University (Lismore).

As a respected health professional, Gill is a popular speaker, internationally and within Australia, addressing diverse audiences from public seminars to specialised medical conferences. Some highlights include speaking at international phytotherapy conferences, the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine and to patient support groups at The Alfred, Royal Women’s Hospital and St Vincent’s.

Gill’s public and corporate talks have included:

• Eating well
• Cooking and nutrition
• Staying well at work
• Naturopathic first aid
• Relaxation
• Herbal remedies
• De-stressing
• Living with cancer
• Living with Hepatitis C
• Living with HIV

Gill’s lectures to health professionals have included:

• Food as medicine
• Herbal medicine and natural therapies for Hepatitis C
• Wellbeing for seniors
• Herbal prescribing
• Internet and new media for health professionals

For public speaking enquiries please call Gill on +61 396503419 or email citynaturaltherapies@gmail.com.

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